4 weeks today

Cant believe that it’s 4 weeks exactly that we arrived in Melbourne! It does seem a lot longer, we have got through so much, it has been a steep learning curve for us all. I do miss everyone and being able to pop in for a brew with people, but it is getting a little easier. Hopefully when we have a home there will be nice neighbours too, wouldn’t be surprised if some of them were English too!

The estate agent phoned last night and said the landlord wanted the full rent, but may negotiate if we were prepared to sign up for a longer period, but then if you don’t like it, you cant get out at 12 months! Decisions………, she was going to contact him again to see what he wants. The problem is that the houses are being snapped up as soon as they appear, they are so in demand,and i know when it is finished it will go for that rent and our alternative property has gone now!! Probably end up stumping up the full amount! Ah well, will definatley have to find work!

Had a nice day out with Maria yesterday, drove to costco, got in with my membership card as it is worldwide membership, just the same as the UK. Got a ‘cooked chuck’!  This makes me laugh every time I hear it,especially when they are promoted over the intercom in the supermarket! it means roast chicken. Met the husbands for lunch in Docklands, sat outside in the sun overlooking the Yarra river, very nice. As soon as we left the seagulls landed on the table to eat the leftovers, must enjoy oriental food!

Spent the next hour in the health insurance place, you have to buy health insurance, it ranges from very basic to covering everything, even dental, optical, physio etc. It is hard knowing what level to go for, I think I drove her a bit potty cos I kept asking-so if I got cancer, would that plan cover my treatment, radio/chemo etc! A hazard of being a nurse I suppose, but you have to cover worst case scenario! Haven’t sorted it yet, she’s ringing me back, probably after a lie down! Going to see Xena this afternoon,last visit before bringing her home.

Ellie is feeling a bit better, still got a very chesty cough but back at school now, she has exams on Thur and Fri, not impressed as she hasn’t really done what they are being tested on.They break up for 2 weeks June 25th, than start a new semester, so she will start new along with everyone else then.


  1. Glad Ellie feeling better and back to school. Hope you have good luck on the house. I bet the poor woman from the health insurance place is still recovering, trust you.
    Glad you settling a bit better and we miss you to. The time has flown by for you but I bet it seems a lifetime to poor Xena, still not long to freedom for her. you will have to let us know if she has lost weight!!! Take some piccies of her.

    Love to all Kath

  2. Another good one (for you all inc. visitors!)



  3. Jackie Bailey

    June 2, 2010 at 7:52 pm

    hey, just 4 weeks, its early days yet. You will settle more when you have got your house and found new friends an stuff. We are having a BBQ on sat as Richards birthday on Fri, Xena’s release day!! Will think of you when we ARE BURNING THE SAUSAGE IN THE RAIN, might be nice though We are looking after Dans dog, so god knows what will happen. Keep planning new things to do and just go for the house that feels right, you could always do a moonlight flit
    Take care
    Jackie x

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