I really don’t know whats going on with the weather here in Australia. The floods that Queensland are experiencing are horrendous and still going on, and now Brisbane and the sunshine coast are under water. This area is a popular holiday destination and it is the main holiday season, but Brisbane city houses all the offices etc in the central business district, the Melbourne office got a memo stating the office was being evacuated as the river was about to burst it’s banks. They haven’t experienced anything like this since 1974, but these floods are going to be a lot worse, some rivers are going to peak at 20 metres – that’s over 60 foot!! You have to see it to believe it. Apparently this weather is making its way down to Melbourne, lots of rain predicted for the next few days, still very warm though, 27 degrees. To put the distance into perspective though, Queeensland is a 4 hour flight from Melbourne. I really hope all this rain stops soon, what is the next biblical disaster to happen , we’ve had fire,drought, locust, floods – bring it on……….. The Queensland premier has just been on TV in tears saying ‘this may be breaking our hearts, but will not break our spirit,’ so sad to see, lots of people missing and 10 dead so far, they reckon it will be much higher.
I’m sure the boys are glad they went home when they did, it’s been a miserable week so far. The guys at work keep telling Steve they cannot remember the last time the weather was like this. I’m sure the Australian government will cotton on soon and request the Marsh family to leave Australia and take all the s**t back to the UK with us!! The house is so quiet without the boys, they were here a month and we got used to them being here, all the same very sad emotions associated with leaving the first time are experienced all over again. Still, they have lives to live and studies to undertake, life goes on.
Xena has been unwell, went to the vets who did some tests, but we can’t get the results because the laboratory is in Brisbane and has been evacuated!! She seems better anyway, has been on antibiotics.
Steve is back to work now after his 3 weeks off, so good not having to get up and drive him to the train station. I am also back at work, doing 3 days a week, I have an interview at a cancer centre/hospice next Fri morning ( 10 days time), I need a more interesting and rewarding job – will let you know how it goes!
January 11, 2011 at 11:07 am
Poor Xena hope she is getting better and that you find out what was wrong. perhaps you had better leave beofre they make you!!! We have seen it on the news it must be awful for the people living in these areas, lets hope that when the rain hits Melbourne you dont get as much.
Good luck with the job interview. Our Ben cried last thursday when I got my school coat out, I felt like crying myself after being off so long I didn’t want to go back.
Take care give Xena a big love from me.
January 11, 2011 at 9:12 pm
Hi Gill,
Yes, we have been watching the floods in Australia on the news here.. The flooding look terrible. Really hope it dose not get down to you, or as you said the Aussie government may send you all back to GB..
I am sure the boys had a great time with you all and although gone back, they will be looking forward to their next visit..
Hope Xena gets better soon and that there is nothing to serious with her..
Keep your chin up, hopefully the rain will stop soon, I do hope so..
Take care
Margaret x