Well, the temperature has soared today to 40 degrees, there is only one thing you can do on a day like this – hit the beach! Armed with beach shelter, Esky (cooler box), and lots of suntan cream we have just spent 4 hours on the beach, but it so warm even the wind is hot. I even swam in the sea to cool down, that’s a drastic step for me!! The poor dog can’t understand why we won’t let her out, she would just go and lay in the sun, then start to cook. The weather man said a cool change will come in this evening, temperatures back to late 20’s -30 next few days. I have learned now not to open the windows and doors on days like this, it is a British thing and the Aussies say we all do it when we firstĀ arrive but soon learn, it’s like someone standing outside your window with a hairdryer on maximum heat blowing inside! Thank goodness for air conditioner’s.
Steve is going to cooler climates for the next week or so. He is going to New Zealand tomorrow, they are working on a big contract over there. Its a 3.5 hour flight from here, didn’t know it was so far. I start my new job on Tuesday and Ellie starts school so we should be kept busy. Ellie is also resuming her swimming, she is having a term of lessons twice a week to regain her technique then will go into the squad for fitness training. The pool is a huge international pool just around the corner so she can walk it easily.
Tom is joining us again in 7 weeks. He arrives on March 13th for 6 weeks as the university is closed and rather than sleeping on peoples floors etc it is better that he comes here. He is hoping he can find some casual work whilst he is here to earn some cash, there does seem to be quite a lot of jobs around but not sure if anyone will employ him for just 6 weeks, we’ll have to work on that! It was Tom’s birthday yesterday, no longer a teenager – Happy Birthday Tom!! They are going back up north in Feb for the Wigan rugby world cup challenge, 28th Feb I think, so you may see them around.
January 30, 2011 at 12:08 pm
Hi all,
You might have the 40 degree’s but we are having just the 4 – 8 degree’s today.. What would you rather have!!!!!! I know where I would rather be!
Hope your new job goes well and that you find a good balance between work and pleasure..
Glad everyone is ok,
Take care
Margaret x
January 30, 2011 at 7:58 pm
Do not complain like Margaret says it has been very cold again here minus 5 Saturday morning when we took Ben for his walk. Been a bit warmer today according to the thermometer but still felt very cold. Enjoyed a good walk to the flash and back with Karen and Katy this afternoon while husbands watched the footy (better to be out of the way).
Good luck with the new job.
Love Kath
January 31, 2011 at 7:23 pm
You have complained enough about how you have suffered two winters, so just get on with it. It was -4 in france, so think yourself lucky !!! xx