Week 2 in Melbourne

Hi everyone,

Had plans to go and see Xena yesterday morning, but when I was looking at house rental websites, there was a viewing at 12.00 -12.15 at a house in Blackrock, next village along. I went to look and it was very nice, had an open fire also, but only one bathroom with a naff little shower over the bath. I cant believe how cold the houses get in the evening, they are just set up for the heat so for the few months of winter, they feel cold. There is no double glazing, cavity wall or loft insulation and there is daylight showing around the front and back doors, I need one of those snake draft  excluder things!

We have to wrap up at night, its like living back in Knowsley Ave before we had central heating put in! There is hot air heating that comes through vents in the floor, it does warm it up, we have  left it on overnight on some occasions, I suppose we will acclimatise eventually.

Ellie went on a school trip to the city yesterday, to the shrine of remembrance in the city. It is a memorial to the ANZAC soldiers killed in the war, apparently have stunning views of the city in lovely gardens, and a beam of sunlight shines down on the name plaque of those killed. We have decided that we will use Sundays to explore the different attractions the city has,  it is unlimited travel anywhere for only 1.50 on a Sunday.

Went to see Xena for afternoon visiting, she was fine, it was quite hot and xena was finding shade, still saw Aussies in their wooly hats though!

Went  to the Mall with Ellie after school, she finishes at 2.15 on Wednesdays, looking for a mobile phone, as we promised her one for her birthday in April, but had to wait til we got here. The i phone 16gig  is on offer for28 pounds a month, no upfront costs and good data allowance so will probably get her that,  think that’s cheaper than the UK.

Steve has joined the ‘Australian cricket family’, you are meant to be a supporter of Australian cricket, but in reality he has joined so her can get priority tickets for the Ashes on boxing day, apparently they are really hard to get and Sam and Tom want to go when they are over.

I want to say ‘thank you’ to my family. I finally plucked up the courage to watch the dvd that you did of our leaving party, it made me cry all over again, particularly the messages as on “wanted down under” but it also made me laugh, especially Pauls commentary! It was really nice seeing everyone again and I’ll probably watch it loads, just a good job the background music wasn’t Dolly Partons song ‘The letter’ eh Paul!!!

Have put a few more pics on flickr.


  1. Your supposed to be a tough Golborner, it just shows how soft central heating has made us all!!! At least it is warm during the day for you. Good old Xena using sense and finding the shade, and at least you’ve not started wearing your wooly hats. I see you’ve listened to your Sam about the blog!!! Hope you got the e-mail.

    Love Kath

  2. Hi Gill omg couldnt beleive i missed your call i was at chester shopping with mum for stuff for june ball got a nice dress from debs you would like it lime green and teal Ive managed to get on your blog site just took me bout 20 mins you know mwe and technology. You look as though you are your having a great time exploring Ellie looks gorge in her school uniform glad she is settling in bet they cant get enough of your accents.Im so jelaous of you on the beach piccies it looks lovely just think what it will be like in the summer when is that by the way in your upside down world!! hope to speak soon Love Julie xxx

  3. Looks like the houses are not what your use to out here, to cold at night. Maybe your should leave the Aussies to wear their woollies during the day and you wear yours during the night!
    Glad to hear Xena is ok, won’t be long before she is home with your all.
    Enjoy the city, take some pictures for us so we can see what it is like.
    Love to all

    Love Margaret x

  4. Haha!! Knowsley Ave…surely it cane be that bad? Well it lovely and hot here today and hopefully for the rest of the summer!! Glad you watched the DVD was only saying to mum the other day i hope you hadnt put it somewhere and forgot about it?
    Have you met any new friends yet? were off soon for a couple of weeks so going to go to wales and prob a day with my mum and dad at the lodge…..have a mooch round cartmel! they seem to be working hard on the garden and the pond..will try and put pics on FB for you!
    Hope youre all well, take care and spaek soon. by the way..that sounds like a good offer on the iphone xx

  5. Just noticed on the piccies (I know days later) that the paramo still coming in useful, lets hope not for a lot of rain.


  6. Jackie Bailey

    May 20, 2010 at 8:19 pm

    God, don’t be such a snob where houses are concerned, we don’t even have a shower and anyway it’s all about outside living in Aus LOL Bet we all looked like ventriloquists dummies on the DVD but at least it made you laugh. Go off and explore, thats what the move was all about, an adventure. Keep up the blog, its good to see what you are up to.
    Take Care
    jackie x
    PS Got my first lifer case today, so work is a bit more interesting, at least til we hit France

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