Had to take Ellie to the doctors, she was a lot worse on Saturday. They have Medicare over here, it is a subsidised health system, but not free. Found out we could go to a walk in type doctors as we are not registered with a GP yet (dont know where we will be living yet!) It was a bit rough, but we didn’t have to pay any extra top up fees, he gave Ellie antibiotics, but the prescription cost $16. Children don’t really get concessions, I will have to pay for her thyroxine. Maria’s son is diabetic and he has to pay for all of his insulin and glucometer etc! It makes you appreciate the NHS. Now she has just told me a piece of her tooth has fallen off, dear god!!
Went to take Steve to look at the house in Beaumaris, he too thinks it is lovely so we have put in an application, with a supporting letter about how the dog is a highly trained guide dog who doesn’t bark, and likes to sleep her day away – well that bit is true!! The same house next door has just been sold for $1.2 million, don’t think I would let a dog in if it were me!
Didn’t go into the city today as Ellie wasn’t up to it. Went to look at different areas that may be an option to live in, and checked out the beaches to. It was a real autumn day today, blustery with the leaves blowing off the trees, not cold though. Went to Ricketts point also, which is on Beaumaris beach, It is a wild bird sanctuary and is really good for snorkeling in summer as there is a big rock formation in the sea, acting as a reef and attracting lots of different fish. Should be nice in summer, nice cafe on the beach too, cake and latte!
Going into the city with Maria tomorrow, going to costco then will meet Stuart and Ste for lunch, then will take my birth/marriage certificate to the nursing board.Not heard anything from the NMC yet, will have to try and phone them to see if they have done what I requested them to do! Only 5 more days til Xena is free!! Can collect her 9.00am Fri morning, have bought her some biscuits already!
TV is pretty lousy here, especially as not a great cable package in rental, watched toy story last night, riveting Saturday night viewing eh? They are also showing 5 year old Diazel and pascoe, antiques roadshow and relocation, when the prices were so low! There is a lot of UK tv though, which is good, even have corrie, but i’m sure Alf Roberts was in it when I flicked past it!
May 30, 2010 at 1:06 pm
Poor Ellie she is in the wars. Some things no different then (walk in centres). That sounds better Sat night viewing than here, we had Eurovision last night along with rubbish reality, I prefer Toy Story. How would you know Alf Roberts thought you didn’t do soaps!!!!
Bet you can’t wait for Friday its soon gone. Well yes agree about sleeping all day and not barking but the other, well.
Take care love to all
May 30, 2010 at 8:02 pm
Better tell Ellie not to get sick anymore or else no pocket money!! Xena the wonder dog Eh, highly y trained in what! looking for food LOL The house sounds great, fingers crossed. We have spent the bank Hol painting the kitchen, now that is riveting. Enjoy the old tv programmes and will speak soon. Get well soon Ellie, its too expensive to be ill
Jackie x x x
May 31, 2010 at 12:20 am
Hi Gill, Hope Ellie is feeling better. Good luck with the house hunting. Must be hard to make a decision. Houses there are not like ours are they. We have had some really hot weather recently, but cooled down now. Work is still awful.The girls struggle to fit everything in. We have been offered severence pay. voluntary reduction in hours etc. Sounds like we are in a bad way financially. Good luck with NMC and job hunting. Gym sounds good. Are there any Ausies living in Melbourne, sounds like everyone is from here?
Speak soon Wendy
May 31, 2010 at 9:53 am
Hope Ellie get’s better soon. As Kath said Sat night Eurovision great tv we came last again.Hope things go well with the house,won’t be long till Xena comes home now spoil her she deserves it . Love to all Margaret x